Monday 9 November 2015

Acupuncture in Surrey – Get the right treatment

Acupuncture treatment is an ancient Chinese alternative healing method. The practice has proved successful in treating several chronic health problems and has been recognised as an effective way to treat several ailments. This branch of medicine is usually practised as a complementary mode of treatment with certified practitioners providing relief for a number of maladies. 

The therapy has evolved over the years though the ancient Chinese ethos of holistic healing still guides the practitioners. For instance, osteopaths and physiotherapists nowadays use a type of acupuncture called dry needling to treat patients for muscle pain. 

This post serves as a guide for patients looking for more details on this practice in Surrey. 

How is Acupuncture Done? 

An acupuncture practitioner uses, specialised medical needles. It might sound like a painful procedure, but the needles are such that the patient experiences little or no pain. These disposable needles are made from stainless steel wire and are sterilised before use. The length of the needle varies according to the pain and the treatment. It also depends on the practitioner and the level of treatment needed by the patient based on pain analysis. 

Acupuncture Trend in Surrey 

Acupuncture is seen as one of the best alternative therapies in Surrey. It is widely used in treating pain, nausea, arthritis and various other ailments. Its ability to treat muscle pain has made more and more osteopaths and physiotherapists opt for this method to treat their patients. The most common form of treatment is dry needle acupuncture healing. 

What is Dry Needling? 

In dry needling, the therapist inserts the needles in the spots that causes pain. The aim is to exert pressure to help remove the causes of discomfort. Like all acupuncture practitioners, the therapist requires knowledge of pathology, anatomy, physiology and medicines along with acupuncture to treat patients properly. The practice has been proved effective in treating various chronic pain conditions.

Dry needling is used extensively to treat musculoskeletal pain. The focus is to stimulate the nervous systems in the body to remove the cause of pain. This method of treatment is beneficial in helping patients suffering from acute back pain and is highly recommended by most medical practitioners.