Friday 11 December 2015

Class 4 Laser Therapy Procedure and Benefits

Class 4 laser therapy (otherwise known as deep tissue laser therapy) is a non-invasive treatment that works to help reduce inflammation and pain in musculoskeletal injuries. This non-pharmacological technique directs high energy light (laser beam) at the determined source of pain. The light energy introduced to the site then accelerates the body's healing process at a cellular level through a phenomenon known as photo-bio stimulation.

Different from pharmacological interventions, which quite often only mask pain or merely treat the symptoms of the condition, a deep tissue laser therapy procedure works to target the root cause of pain, effectively eliminating discomfort for good. This is exactly why practitioners of deep tissue laser therapy recommend the procedure for longer lasting relief and other benefits. In fact, Class 4 laser therapy is so effective that it has been adopted as an important pain management tool by athletes and athletic trainers in pro ball and even Olympic teams.

There are many different conditions that can be treated using deep tissue laser therapy. Some commonly addressed conditions and injuries include mechanical lower back pain, tennis elbow, lumbar disc herniation, rotator cuff tendonitis, nerve root pain or radiculopathy, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and common sprains and strains. This particular laser therapy can also be useful in the treatment and management of osteoarthritis (of the knees, back, etc.), post-surgical scarring, fractures, and superficial wounds.

A non-invasive, non-toxic, and scientifically proven treatment option, Deep tissue laser therapy offers many advantages in treating even difficult conditions. Without any known side-effects, its fast treatment times, and quick and easy application, Class 4 therapy is becoming more mainstream as more practitioners adopt the technique. Other clinical benefits it offers include increased cellular function and range of motion, improved circulation, and reduced pain, swelling, stiffness, muscle spasms, and reduced scarring.

Monday 9 November 2015

Acupuncture in Surrey – Get the right treatment

Acupuncture treatment is an ancient Chinese alternative healing method. The practice has proved successful in treating several chronic health problems and has been recognised as an effective way to treat several ailments. This branch of medicine is usually practised as a complementary mode of treatment with certified practitioners providing relief for a number of maladies. 

The therapy has evolved over the years though the ancient Chinese ethos of holistic healing still guides the practitioners. For instance, osteopaths and physiotherapists nowadays use a type of acupuncture called dry needling to treat patients for muscle pain. 

This post serves as a guide for patients looking for more details on this practice in Surrey. 

How is Acupuncture Done? 

An acupuncture practitioner uses, specialised medical needles. It might sound like a painful procedure, but the needles are such that the patient experiences little or no pain. These disposable needles are made from stainless steel wire and are sterilised before use. The length of the needle varies according to the pain and the treatment. It also depends on the practitioner and the level of treatment needed by the patient based on pain analysis. 

Acupuncture Trend in Surrey 

Acupuncture is seen as one of the best alternative therapies in Surrey. It is widely used in treating pain, nausea, arthritis and various other ailments. Its ability to treat muscle pain has made more and more osteopaths and physiotherapists opt for this method to treat their patients. The most common form of treatment is dry needle acupuncture healing. 

What is Dry Needling? 

In dry needling, the therapist inserts the needles in the spots that causes pain. The aim is to exert pressure to help remove the causes of discomfort. Like all acupuncture practitioners, the therapist requires knowledge of pathology, anatomy, physiology and medicines along with acupuncture to treat patients properly. The practice has been proved effective in treating various chronic pain conditions.

Dry needling is used extensively to treat musculoskeletal pain. The focus is to stimulate the nervous systems in the body to remove the cause of pain. This method of treatment is beneficial in helping patients suffering from acute back pain and is highly recommended by most medical practitioners.

Monday 14 September 2015

Get the Expert Advice from Sports Injury Clinic in Guildford

You can recover from any sports injury with the help of a reputable Osteopath in Guildford. Find a sports injury clinic that specialises in a wide range of treatment methods that have been proven to help reduce recovery time, increase the likelihood of recovery, and restore movement or function to any injured body part through manual therapy and exercise.  A sports injury clinic is an excellent source of advice and education when you have any disability or injury due to your physical activities.

Sports injury specialists understand the problems afflicting athletes and active people who participate in sports. Hence, they are ready to help you recover from any injury and give advice to prevent future injuries on the same area and in other parts of your body. Sports injury clinics do not merely cater to professional athletes; their services extend to semi-pro athletes, occasional athletes, and individuals who enjoy an active lifestyle or casually participate in sports, too. They specialise in post surgery rehabilitation, chronic and acute pain treatment, and work related injuries as well.

Osteopaths consider each patient's needs before recommending a solution. By treating patients individually, they can identify and understand specific concerns and needs. This way, they can recommend the right treatment programme and make sure that the patient knows and understands what needs to be done. The best sports injury clinics in Guildford offer non-surgical treatments to relieve pain, prevent further injuries, and promote healing.

Expert advice from a sports injury clinic in Guildford comes with patient education in functional fitness, physical therapy methods, ergonomics, and general wellness. This way, Osteopaths are able to provide a comprehensive treatment programme that can optimise the results of recovery. Look for a sports injury clinic that specialises in proven treatment methods like acupuncture, Graston technique, deep tissue laser therapy, active release techniques, and osteopathy.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Importance of Osteopathy Treatment

People are hugely enthusiastic about alternatives to conventional medicines and even clinicians, and medical practitioners are showing interest in different types of treatments outside of traditional systems. Osteopathic treatments, for instance, look into the significance of an individual's musculoskeletal system in the management of asthma, more particularly, the muscles that the body uses when breathing. Osteopaths, especially those with immune system vulnerabilities and difficulties emphasize the importance of keeping their rib cage, thorax, and diaphragm from problems.

When asthmatic patients are physically examined, they reveal a pattern of findings that are unique to sufferers. For example, the key features that are dealt with by osteopaths are tense muscles primarily in the chest and upper back areas. These muscles can be subjected to manual treatment, which helps increase their function and ultimately enhance the person's breathing abilities.

Osteopathy has been time and again found to be useful in controlling asthma and its symptoms. It is based on the philosophical foundation that where there is life, there is motion. It appreciates the significance of the smallest and seemingly trivial motions within the cells and the tissues of the body and applying such understanding in a unique form of care. Osteopaths believe that when the body's motion is perfectly balanced, a state of health exists. When this balance is disturbed, health is adversely affected, and diseases can arise.

An osteopathic physician has a highly developed sense of touch, allowing him or her to palpate or feel the imbalance in this motion and administer osteopathic manipulative treatments to relieve the imbalances and disturbances of motion. This ultimately enhances the function and vitality of the individual receiving the treatment. While osteopathy employs the use of manual medicine, it is not simply a set of techniques like massage therapy. It is also considered a science and philosophy based on osteopathic principles.

Monday 13 July 2015

Recover from Sports Injuries and Perform better

It is common for athletes and anyone participating in sports to experience occasional injuries during practice or competition. When this happens, you need to find a certified sports clinic for treatment. Sports injury clinics have rehabilitation specialists such as sports osteopaths who can help you recover from injuries and improve your function to help prevent further problems. These clinics are recommended to anyone with an active lifestyle, too.

Treatment specialists in sports clinics can help you recover from all kinds of injuries by providing a variety of treatment options. A recovery or treatment programme is typically tailored to your needs and the type of injury you have. This specialised form of treatment will ensure that specific concerns and needs are properly addressed. This way, you can speed up your recovery and get back into shape again.

Comprehensive sports injury rehabilitation involves assessment, conditioning, training, and injury prevention. Specialists focus on the chain reaction and biomechanics of the body while improving individual movement patterns that are specific to your sport or activity. The result is a challenging, structured, and movement-based treatment programme that can speed up your recovery process, encourage injury prevention, and improve your range of motion.

A sports injury clinic may recommend stretching techniques and specific exercises to increase your function and improve mobility. Certain methods, like active release technique and osteopathy, may be recommended and used depending on your diagnosis, age, and fitness level. Some sports injury rehabilitation clinics use alternative methods that are proven effective for sports injuries. Acupuncture, dry needling, the Graston Technique, and deep tissue laser therapy are some examples of these.

Look for a local sports injury clinic that specialises in high-quality injury rehabilitation and osteopathic services. The best sports clinics provide a full diagnostic biomechanical assessment for a more accurate diagnosis and to ensure the right treatment programme for your injury or condition.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Acupuncture dry needling for Chronic Pain

Acupuncture was first introduced in the US in the 1970s, and it has steadily gained a following since because of its effectiveness in treat certain ailments. Nowadays, acupuncture is considered a mainstream alternative or supplement to western medicine. Many athletes suffering from pain due to sports injuries turn to acupuncture specialists to feel better. Acupuncture can help promote an overall sense of health and well-being, too.

Some experts say that acupuncture may be a safer alternative to taking pain medication for arthritis. A new study by the NIH shows that the side effects of the acupuncture treatment are substantially fewer than that of pain relief medications. Research further verified the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating neck pain, headaches, osteoarthritis, shoulder pain, and other chronic conditions.

Dry needling is a form of Western medical acupuncture that involves the insertion of fine needles into myofascial trigger points, which are directly linked to the maintenance and production of the pain cycle. The technique was adapted from Chinese Acupuncture using knowledge and understanding of physiology, pathology, and anatomy, combined with the principles of evidence-based medicine. Dry needling seeks to stimulate the nervous system, and it has been proven to be beneficial for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain.

Acupuncture dry needling can be used to treat other conditions like chronic back pain, too. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence produced guidelines recommending this form of treatment to relieve persistent and non-specific lower back discomfort.

Make sure that the acupuncturist is certified and licensed to practise locally and provide acupuncture dry needling treatments. Look for a clinic that specialises in sports injury rehabilitation and improvement of athletic performance through effective treatment programmes that assess, train, condition, and rehabilitate. A good acupuncture clinic also provides treatments and programmes for successful injury prevention.